- Hertfordshire External Moling
- Hertfordshire External Plumbing
- Hertfordshire Water Leak Repairs
- Hertfordshire Water Mains Replacement
Trenchless Water Mains Replacement
At Brennan Moling, we use the latest state-of-the-art leak detection tools to find the precise location of any leaking pipes and replace the pipes without the need to cut out trenches by making use of our Impact Moling service for installing, renewing, and repairing mains water pipes in a very cost effective manner.
Save time and money on your water main replacements by utilising the latest trenchless technology and techniques that Brennan Moling based in Hertfordshire operate. Our stunning state-of-the-art impact moling equipment can quickly bore accurate, efficient piping routes for new pipe work or replacement water mains without the need for a large scale excavation project.
Once our trenchless impact moling equipment’s has created the holes and tunnels, the new or replacement pipe work can be pulled through easily from both ends. The use of such trenchless impact technology results in dramatically reducing both staff labour and equipment hire costs associated with using traditional water main replacement methods.